Qualifying Life Events: ACA Coverage for Individuals
What is a Qualifying Life Event?
Normally, you can only sign up for an ACA plan during the Open Enrollment period (November 1-January 15). However, there are certain changes in your life that allow you to sign up for ACA coverage during a Special Enrollment period outside of Open Enrollment, usually within 60 days of the event.
There are several possible criteria that can qualify you for a Special Enrollment period. These include:
- Marriage or domestic partnership
- Birth or Adoption of a child
- Death of someone in your household
- Loss of other health insurance coverage
- Change in primary place of living
- Enrollment or plan error
For more information on Qualifying Life Events, please visit https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/qualifying-life-event/
If you fit one of these criteria, you can apply for a Sidecar Health ACA plan in Ohio (off-exchange). Sidecar Health lets you choose your own and still pay less.* No more networks, no more referrals, no more status quo.
What if I don't qualify for a Special Enrollment period?
If you do not qualify for a Special Enrollment period, you have options. You can wait until Open Enrollment to sign up for an ACA plan or sign up for our Access Plan, which is available year-round.
The Sidecar Health Access Plan accepts applications all year as an excepted benefit of the ACA**. Our Access Plans are affordable, easy to use, and you can enroll anytime. They are great for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and the self-employed.
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