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Hi, weโ€™re Sidecar Health

Welcome to modern common-sense insurance where better coverage meets better access.

Getting insurance through your employer?

Current Sidecar Health member?
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How it works

We wouldnโ€™t book a hotel without comparing prices. So why do we book checkups without knowing how much weโ€™ll have to pay? When you shop for care and pay on the spot, you can save. And when your provider charges less than what your plan pays, we share the savings with you.


Choose your provider

Compare prices between providers (just ask your doctor) and check what your plan will pay on the member portal.


Pay right away

After getting care, pay your doctor directly using the Sidecar Health VISA benefit card.


Snap a photo

Simply upload a picture of your bill and youโ€™re done. Thatโ€™s it. No surprises later.

Weโ€™ve got you covered

When you canโ€™t shop for care, weโ€™ve got your back. No matter your medical condition or current care regimen, Sidecar Health Employer plans include a full suite of major medical financial protections. You will never be responsible for surprise bills from emergency room visits. You will also never get a surprise bill for unplanned services that occurred during planned procedures.

"Next level of care that's unheard of" Complex careCOVERAGEMember CareSUPPORTMember
โ€œThey worked with us tremendously wellโ€ COVERAGEEmergencyMember CarePROTECTIONSUPPORTMember
"The easiest insurance I've ever used" ACCESSBenefit AmountCASH-PAY MODELComplex careCOVERAGEEasy to useKeeping the savingsProvider visitsShopping for careSUPPORTUsing benefitsMember
โ€œMakes you educated on your choicesโ€ ACCESSBenefit AmountCASH-PAY MODELNo networkPROTECTIONMember
โ€œPutting you in the driverโ€™s seatโ€ ACCESSNo networkNo preauthorizationsNo referralsUsing benefitsMember
"I could never imagine leaving" Benefit AmountEasy to useLowering premiumsMember CareNo networkProvider visitsMember
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The Member Care team is really, really good at customer service. I donโ€™t know how you guys train them, but Iโ€™ve got a group here that I would like trained by the same people.
Betty G.