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It’s time to rethink prior authorization in healthcare

By Veronica Osetinsky While drug pricing may seem like a catchy political issue in an election year, the current political gridlock removes any opportunity for true comprehensive reforms. Costs continue to rise, and patients continue to struggle to access care they can afford.  To that point, Congress and the Biden administration, along with lawmakers in…

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Putting Consumers’ Wallets at the Forefront of Healthcare

By Chris Patton, VP of Channel Sales  Employer-sponsored health insurance coverage is expensive. Fully insured group premiums have steadily increased for decades, impacting small, medium, and large businesses alike. In 2023, the average annual premium for these plans was $23,968—an increase of more than $1,000 from 2022. As inflation climbed in 2023, both single and…

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It’s time to embrace a new kind of insurtech platform 

By Jason Delimitros, Vice President, Insurance Operations, Sidecar Health   It’s clear we need innovative options for health insurance. More than 70 percent of U.S. adults report the current healthcare system is failing to meet their needs, medical debt is the leading cause of personal bankruptcy, and employers are facing spiraling healthcare costs each year.  Working in…

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Why prior authorization and formulary restrictions should be a thing of the past

Prior authorization and formulary restrictions are two common health insurance practices that can make it difficult for patients to get the care they need. Prior authorization requires patients to get approval from their insurance company before they can receive certain services or procedures. Formulary restrictions limit the medications that are covered by an insurance plan.…

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U.S. Cities Suffering From High Cholesterol

With Healthy Aging Month in August and National Cholesterol Education Month in September, what better time to remain conscious of our health — and take the necessary steps to maintain it. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began last year, much attention has been paid to the ways the risk levels for severe illness or death from…

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How to Get Health Insurance Between Jobs 

How to Get Health Insurance Between Jobs It happens to plenty of us: you’ve left your old job to find something new. You’re happy to be searching for employment that’s a better fit, but there’s one problem that you can’t help but stress over: losing your insurance.  So many Americans rely on their employer for…

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States With the Highest COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Heading Into Summer

After more than a year of living through COVID-19, the worst of the pandemic in the U.S. appears to be over. Daily cases peaked in early January at more than 250,000 per day, but ever since, the U.S. has seen sharp declines in COVID-19 positive cases, even as more contagious variants have emerged. Now, the…

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American cities with the highest (and lowest) uninsured rates

As the U.S. continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, disparities in who has access to healthcare are more pronounced than ever. Though the federal government and many insurers have worked to keep the costs of testing and treating COVID-19 low to manage the broader public health crisis, the impacts of the pandemic on healthcare…

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