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Chris Patton

VP of Channel Sales

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Con una experiencia de liderazgo que abarca más de 25 años, Chris tiene una importante experiencia tanto en la distribución minorista como mayorista de productos de seguros de salud para grupos pequeños. Chris ha ocupado puestos de liderazgo en el lado de las aseguradoras en Kaiser Permanente y Centene, además de puestos en una Agencia General Nacional y en las bolsas comerciales privadas y públicas de California.

A lo largo de su carrera, Chris ha desarrollado e implementado una amplia gama de modelos de distribución de productos que sirvieron como base para varias organizaciones de ventas de alto rendimiento. El enfoque multidisciplinario de Chris para desarrollar una organización se complementa con su estilo único de “motivación métrica”, que establece los estándares mediante los cuales una organización puede medir el éxito a lo largo del ciclo de ventas.

Chris es un orador público activo en el sector de los seguros y los miembros de la Legislatura de California lo convocan regularmente como experto en seguros de salud y reformas de la atención médica. Es miembro fundador y actualmente forma parte de la Junta Directiva de la Fundación Educativa de CAHU.

La media naranja de Chris lleva 20 años soportándolo y juntos están criando a dos hijas. Chris es un ciclista apasionado y este año participará por octava vez en la Leadville Trail 100, una carrera de ciclismo de montaña de 160 kilómetros en las Montañas Rocosas de Colorado.

Patrick Quigley

Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder

Verónica Osetinsky

Chief Operating Officer & Co-founder

Rodney Barlow

Chief Technology Officer

Alex Coonce

Chief People Officer

Kevin Caballero

Chief Marketing Officer

Who We Are

We are problem solvers

We embrace new ideas and develop creative solutions every day to achieve our mission.

We take ownership

We believe in holding ourselves and one another accountable.

We’re always going

We value people who have a strong bias for taking action.

We lead with empathy

We are empathetic to one another. We actively work to understand one another’s point of view.

Douglas Lynch

Chief Actuary

Chris Bussard

VP of Product

Jason T. Delimitros

Market President

Chris Patton

VP of Channel Sales

Natalie Leino

General Counsel

Emily Porter

VP, External Affairs

Patrick Quigley

Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder

Verónica Osetinsky

Chief Operating Officer & Co-founder

Rodney Barlow

Chief Technology Officer

Who We Are

We are problem solvers

We embrace new ideas and develop creative solutions every day to achieve our mission.

Alex Coonce

Chief People Officer

Kevin Caballero

Chief Marketing Officer

Douglas Lynch

Chief Actuary

Who We Are

We take ownership

We believe in holding ourselves and one another accountable.

Chris Bussard

VP of Product

Jason T. Delimitros

Market President

Chris Patton

VP of Channel Sales

Who We Are

We’re always going

We value people who have a strong bias for taking action.

Natalie Leino

General Counsel

Emily Porter

VP, External Affairs

We lead with empathy

We are empathetic to one another. We actively work to understand one another’s point of view.

Alan Prescott

Former Walmart SVP, US Benefit

Alan Prescott

Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, Luminar Technologies

Jennifer Kent, MPA

Director, California Department of Health Care Services (former)

Anne Wojcicki

CEO and Co-Founder, 23andMe

R. Lawrence Van Horn

Founder and Director, Center for Healthcare Market Innovation, Vanderbilt University

Who We Are

We are problem solvers

We embrace new ideas and develop creative solutions every day to achieve our mission.

We take ownership

We believe in holding ourselves and one another accountable.

We’re always going

We value people who have a strong bias for taking action.

We lead with empathy

We are empathetic to one another. We actively work to understand one another’s point of view.

Doctor Brian Blase

Former Special Assistant to President on Healthcare

El Honorable Dr. David J. Shulkin

Former Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Alan Prescott

Former Walmart SVP, US Benefit

Alan Prescott

Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, Luminar Technologies

Jennifer Kent, MPA

Director, California Department of Health Care Services (former)

Who We Are

We are problem solvers

We embrace new ideas and develop creative solutions every day to achieve our mission.

Anne Wojcicki

CEO and Co-Founder, 23andMe

R. Lawrence Van Horn

Founder and Director, Center for Healthcare Market Innovation, Vanderbilt University

Doctor Brian Blase

Former Special Assistant to President on Healthcare

Who We Are

We take ownership

We believe in holding ourselves and one another accountable.

El Honorable Dr. David J. Shulkin

Former Secretary of Veterans Affairs

We’re always going

We value people who have a strong bias for taking action.

We lead with empathy

We are empathetic to one another. We actively work to understand one another’s point of view.

Únete a nuestro equipo

Siempre estamos buscando nuevos talentos.

¿Quieres usar tu talento para transformar la atención médica en los Estados Unidos? Si es así, nos encantaría saber de ti.
